

黄民兴教授就中阿合作论坛第八届部长级会议召开接受China Daily采访

2018年07月13日 22:13:56    来源:编辑部

      2018年7月10日,中国—阿拉伯国家合作论坛第八届部长级会议在北京召开,本次部长级会议的召开将为中阿合作注入新的动力。“China Daily”就此采访了中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所杨光研究员、西北大学中东研究所黄民兴教授、上海国际问题研究院李伟建研究员和北京外国语大学马晓霖教授,采访文章标题为《中阿共同发展繁荣(China and Arab states set to shine together)》黄民兴教授的访谈内容如下:

    Given that China is the largest manufacturing country and Arab states have rich energy reserves, trade between the two sides is bound to increase. China's quality manufactured goods with attractive prices have helped the Arab states to stabilize commodity prices, control inflation and improve local people's livelihoods, while oil and gas from the Arab world have facilitated China's economic development.

   Two-way investments have been mutually beneficial. Chinese investments in the Arab states, foreign-aid loans on favorable terms and export credits to the Arab states have given a much-needed impetus to their economic development, while the Arab countries' investment in China, for instance Saudi Arabia's investment in petroleum refining infrastructure, has helped develop China's oil refining industry.

   Some have forecast a remarkable increase in China's influence in the Arab world as the US retreats from the world stage. Yet, despite its waning influence in the Arab world, the US still enjoys many advantages compared with China. Some Arab countries, including the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Jordan, have had special ties with the US for decades, while countries such as Saudi Arabia rely on the US for their national security, and this fact is not likely to change any time soon. So it is impossible for China to replace the US in the Arab world regardless of its obvious lack of motivation to do so.


